
Much like the standard dental implant, these involve a screw that’s inserted into the jawbone to hold the new artificial tooth replacement with minimum of All-on-4 implants to support an entire arch of the teeth on each jaw.

In other words, each missing tooth won’t have its own implant. Instead, like the legs of a chair, four implants will be placed along the top and bottom jaws for an entire set of teeth, not individual tooth.
While a regular dental implant is designed to enhance your smile, hybrid prosthesis are designed to replace the entire set of teeth when you don’t have any remaining.

All-on-4 Dental Implants Benefits:

  • Get fully-functioning, new teeth in a short amount of time
  • Improve your appearance
  • Eat foods without reservation
  • Get a long-lasting smile
  • Eliminate health issues associated with failing teeth
  • Easily care for your teeth

All on 4 Dental Implants