
What is Root Canal Treatment? Best Tips to Follow After Root Canal Treatment

Dental Care is coming leaps and bounds in the years and is making great progress in the dental health across the world. With an increasingly chaotic lifestyle decisions influencing the people, dental care is often impacted by poor choices. Teeth often bores the brunt of bad dental hygiene and care. When teeth become infected, one has no option but to invoke the Root Canal Treatment. Instead of removing the teeth, dentists use root canal treatment to repair the infected teeth. During the procedure, the nerve and pulp are removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. With advancements in dental science, the root canal treatment is easier and painless.

The procedure involves removing the damaged area of the tooth (the pulp), cleaning and disinfecting it and then filling and sealing it.

Let’s take a look at the procedure happening in the dental clinics during the Root canal procedure

1)      X-Rays:

Locating the decay point is crucial to success of the treatment and the dentists will take an X-ray to find the point of the decay.

2)      Anaesthesia:

Local anaesthesia is applied on the affected teeth for the treatment to imitate. root canal is no more painful than a filling.

3)      Pulpectomy:

An opening is created and the diseased tooth pulp is removed.

4)      Filing:

To fill the interior of the tooth, a sealer paste and a rubber compound called gutta percha is placed into the tooth’s root canal.

After the successful completion of the root canal treatment, following the dental experts advise is crucial to have a good recovery.


Crucial tips to follow after the surgery:

1)      Follow the medical care:

The dentists will prescribe antibiotics and following the medication to the right end is much needed to alleviate the pain.

2)      Follow dental hygiene:

Brushing and flossing twice a day to maintain the dental hygiene is highly recommended. Tooth and gum must be cleaned where the root canal treatment was undertaken.

3)      Don’t trouble the infected teeth:

Try not to chew food through the side of mouth where the surgery was undertaken. The teeth will be tender so be cautious and avoid grinding and clenching the jaw.

4)      Food practices:

Any food that is hard, chewy or crunchy is an absolute no. After root canal treatment, the tooth will be highly sensitive to cold or hot food. Take food that are lukewarm and won’t impact the teeth at all.

Root Canal Treatment Cost has decreased over the years and consulting a Dental Specialist in Hyderabad is the right step in case of infected tooth. Focus Dental Care is one of the best places in Hyderabad for dental care with no hassles.